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About Us >

In Community


While the primary goal of our club is designing, planting, and maintaining six public gardens and the

hanging baskets in West Concord Village, we are also involved in other fun and rewarding activities:

  • Every Spring we join the local businesses with our Plant Sale in the "Spring Into West Concord" event, offering a variety of plants from our gardens and elsewhere.


  • Each Fall we hold our Bulb Sale as part of the community-wide, "Discover West Concord" celebration.


  • Members of the Club create flower arrangements for the Worcester Art Museum’s “Flora in Winter” and the Museum of Fine Arts’ annual “Art in Bloom”.​​​















We are looking forward to many more fun initiatives to come!

WCGT Family Tree 2022A_edited_edited.jpg
  • We welcome each new business to West Concord Village with a floral display.


  • Other Green Thumbs activities include:​

    • Providing flowers for display on the main desk in the Fowler Library

    • Creating and decorating a tree for the annual Family Trees exhibition at the Concord Museum

    • Hosting garden pop-ups in members’ gardens

    • Sponsoring garden-themed programs for members and non-members

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